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"Processing of a chicken dung" - a consulting and methodical seminar

"Processing of a chicken dung" - a consulting and methodical seminar

"Processing of a chicken dung" - a consulting and methodical seminar.

On April 22-24, 2015 Pskov.


Having participated in a seminar, you will be able:

- to look at the equipment for dung processing on operating production;

- to gain the knowledge necessary for successful creation of production on processing of a dung;

- to avoid many widespread mistakes and the delusions connected with creation of such productions;

- to talk to suppliers of the equipment and designers in one language and not to allow to mislead yourself;

- to understand - with what to begin implementation of the project, and on what payback period it is possible to count;

- to communicate with people who already created and operate such productions.


Register in the Seminar, if you:

- heard that processing of a dung is highly profitable business, but you don't trust such statements;

-  already you pay on 500 rub per ton of a dung placed on ranges or you realize that it becomes inevitable soon;

- you know that there are effective technologies of processing of a dung, but consider them too difficult and (or) expensive;

- heard about various technologies of processing of a dung, but you don't know – to what of them to give preference;

- already you are going to build plant for dung processing, but you don't know with what to begin;

- intend to invest own finance in highly profitable production.


Seminar program (preliminary).


Modern standard and legal base as motivator of creation of production on dung processing.

General information about a dung and possible types of production. Organic fertilizers and biofuel.

The review of poultry-farming branch in Russia and the CIS. The analysis and assessment of prospects for the next years.

Review of the Russian and foreign market of organic fertilizers. The analysis and assessment of prospects for the next years.

Practical use of the granulated organic fertilizers on the basis of chicken compost in Russia. Problems of formation of domestic market of the granulated organic fertilizers.

Development of the feasibility study on the project.

Source of raw materials: quantity and quality assessment.

Calculation of cost of production of the granulated organic fertilizers on the basis of chicken compost.

Design and plant construction.

Technological scheme.

Raw materials preparation.

Raw materials drying.

Crushing of dry raw materials.



Technological transport, internal logistics.

Review of the market of the equipment.


Design and project coordination.

Practice of production of the granulated organic fertilizers on the basis of chicken compost.

Widespread problems of production of granules from plant materials. Practical operating experience of plants.

Organization of packing and production transportation. Practical experience of plants. Recommendations of experts.

Quality of the granulated organic fertilizers: assessment and certification.

As well as to whom to sell production? Choice of the target market, logistics, prices.

Features of use of the granulated dung as fuel.

The equipment for dung burning (in the form of a dust and granulated).

In what cases it is favorable to use a dung as fuel.

How to develop domestic market (discussion).

Summing up.

Whether it makes sense to be engaged in production of the granulated organic fertilizers on the basis of chicken compost?

Questions and answers.


Venue: Pskov.

Participation cost (previously): 25 000 rubles.

In cost are included: 3 day training program, accommodation (2 nights, double placement), coffee breaks and dinners, dinner in the evening of the first day, package of distributing materials (presentations and abstracts, set of reference information).

Lecturers: specialists of the engineering companies which have created tens productions, specialists of manufacturers of the equipment and the plants making granulated fertilizers and biofuel. All lecturers – recognized authorities on this branch, having extensive practical experience.

Number of listeners: 30-40 people.

To send applications for participation to the address:


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