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Политика конфиденциальности
The unit AS is designed for simultaneous milling and drying plant materials. AS-4 has proven itself in the drying and grinding of wood waste, grasses, agricultural waste (husks, straw, manure, litter, etc.), peat, lignin, sapropel, sugarcane, alcohol bards ...
The unit AS is designed for simultaneous milling and drying plant materials. AS-4 very good proven itself in the following technological processes:
1. Drying and grinding of biomass in the production of solid biofuel (fuel granules and briquettes)...
The unit AS is designed for simultaneous milling and drying plant materials. AS-4 has proven itself in the following technological processes:
... 2. Drying and grinding of freshly cut grass in the production of granulated vitamin-herbal flour...
The unit AS is designed for simultaneous milling and drying plant materials. AS-4 has proven itself in the following technological processes:
... 3. Drying and grinding of alcohol bards, beer grain suitable and beet pulp in the production of feed for animals...
The unit AS is designed for simultaneous milling and drying plant materials. AS-4 has proven itself in the following technological processes:
... 4. Drying-grinding dung, manure, compost in the production of organic fertilizers...
The unit AS is designed for simultaneous milling and drying plant materials. AS-4 has proven itself in the following technological processes:
... 5. Grinding of wood waste into flour in the production of wood-plastic composites (WPC, “plastic wood”) and other products...
The unit AS is designed for simultaneous milling and drying plant materials. AS-4 has proven itself in the following technological processes:
... 6. Preparation almost from the any biomass (wood waste, lignin, peat, agricultural waste, including manure) dry fine-dispersed flour for further high efficient combustion in the dust burners of boiler-houses, power plants and CHPP(thermal power plant)...