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Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας:

Διαχωριστής τύπου δίσκου 5 t/h

Διαχωριστής τύπου δίσκου 5 t/h

The disk separator consists of a frame made of a steel profile with welded to it of the milled lateral plates on which bolts knots from bearings fasten. In knots from bearings shaft with disks are established.
The drive represents the worm motor-reducer, the target, which hollow shaft is put on the end of a power shaft of a disk separator. The Motor-reducer fastens to an attitudinal plate by means of bolts. A hollow target shaft of a motor-reducer rotating, transfers a twisting moment to a power shaft of a disk separator which through chain transfer results all other shaft in rotation. Chain transfer is protected by a casing.
The raw moves on a disk separator from above. The small fraction of raw passes through backlashes between rotating disks and is unloaded from below. The large fraction of raw and extraneous subjects don't pass through disks and at the expense of rotation of disks on their surface move to an unloading place.
Feature of a design of the given disk separator is that the party of unloading of a waste can be changed, without rearranging a disk separator.

Ελάχιστη Τιμή
14 200 euro
* Στην τιμή δεν περιλαμβάνεται Φ.Π.Α.
Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά
Παράμετρος Τιμή Παραμέτρου
Γενικές διαστάσεις  
Μήκος, m 1,54
Πλάτος, m 0,78
Ύψος, m 0,39
Βάρος, kg 320
ΕΡΓΑ  : Διαχωριστής τύπου δίσκου 5 t/h
Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας
Πνευματική Ιδιοκτησία 2011-Όλα τα δικαιώματα διατηρούνται