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The equipment of dry materials warehousing with a hydraulic actuator

The equipment of dry materials warehousing with a hydraulic actuator

Device mechanised warehouse of dry raw material with a flexible floor is most often used to compensate for differences performance equipment drying-grinding of biomass and the pressing equipment (granulation, briquetting, extruded and other types of processing).
Can be used for receiving, accumulate and dosed supply of coming from outside of dry raw material.

The module a walking floor consists of stocker, guides, sealing, actuator and hydraulic cylinder. Stocker is a welded metal construction, the housing of which is a profile tubes, which are welded to the scapula, has a wedge-shaped. Height scapula warehouse of dry raw material more than height scapula warehouse of wet raw material.
In composition the guideway is the sole (sheet 20 mm thick) and welded U-shaped bracket that attaches to the sole by means of bolting.
Sealing design composed of is welded into a square the shveler, in which the welded sleeve. These sleeves are guides for axes fixing hydraulic cylinders. Hydro-station is driven, which includes a metal tank with a partition, pump a submersible or not submersible execution.
Installed on the tank hydro equipment modular execution. In the hydro-station also enters kit connecting hoses and fittings.
The station leads into action the hydraulic cylinders. the hydraulic cylinders hingedly connected at one end of Stoker and the other end to the filling of blowholes. Stoker, in turn, move along guides, which are attached to the foundation with anchor bolts.
When translational motion the sharp edges a stokers of go under raw materials during the reverse movement obtuse parties of the wings move raw materials in the opposite direction - in the direction of the conveyor. Filling of blowholes fastened in of special beakers in the foundation.

The advantages equipment of a mechanized warehouse dry raw materials with a moving floor the production of "SP-Co":
1. High quality components the hydro-station production of Germany.
2. High precision geometry the stocker, a complete lack of curvature, cause voltage welds - the result of a specially developed technology.
3. Buck hydro-stations of large capacitance.

Minimum price
44 750 euro
* price without VAT
The general dimensions  
Length, m 12,28
Width, m 2,50
Height, m 1,12
Weight, kg 1 000
OUR PORTFOLIO  : The equipment of dry materials warehousing with a hydraulic actuator
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