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Drum dryer till 4 t/hour

Drum dryer till 4 t/hour

Drum dryer (tumble dryer) - the main element of the line of drying and grinding of biomass. Is designed for drying raw material.
Drying drum represent is a steel cylinder mounted on a 4 x external rollers (roller) and revolving around the horizontal axis.
Inside the cylinders are have blades which when rotating drum raise raw materials up, after which it under the force of gravity is falling down through the stream heat carrier, which leads to the drying of raw materials.
Drying drums are often are one-way (raw material is loaded on the one hand and is unloaded on the other hand, having passed the long axis of the drum 1 times) and three-way (raw materials to unloading takes place long axis of the drum three times). Evaporative capacity of the drying drum make up is 30-60 kg/m3.h., i.e. for 1 t/HR of evaporated water necessary, as a rule, not less than 15 m3 volume of the drum. Drum rotation speed most often is 6 Rev/min (range : 3 ... 9 rpm).

Standard configuration:
1. Drying drum.
2. Station booster (with two ice rinks and the two hold rollers).
3. Station with a drive (with two ice rinks, united chain, and the drive).

Minimum price
65 000 euro
* price without VAT
The general dimensions  
Length, m 12
Width, m 2,5
Height, m 2,5
Weight, kg 29 200
OUR PORTFOLIO  : Drum dryer till 4 t/hour
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