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Solid fuel heat-generator 1,2 MW with giving system, any fuel

Solid fuel heat-generator 1,2 MW with giving system, any fuel

The heat generator solid fuel (in one hull with a the mixer air) using a large-caucus of fuel (wood, Kingfish, bark, logs, etc.) and fine-fractional fuel (sawdust, chippings, husk, straw, etc.) The appointment of the thermal generator - preparation of the heat-carrier for the process of drying of biomass (plant raw materials) at the expense of highly efficient combustion of low-grade solid fuels.
Constructively TGS presented is a double-walled steel cylinder. The inner cylinder possess is in its surface the holes for the air supply and he lining high-temperature chamotte brickwork, part of which has the holes for the air made of materials, maintaining temperatures 1650 degree centigrade. Blowing air is blown by fans in the cavity between the cylinders, where he heating air at the same time cooling the inner cylinder, and then over the holes for the air gets in a zone of pyrolysis or afterburning. Since holes for the air are arranged tangentially, and in the zone of pyrolysis, and in the zone of afterburning - the flow of air creates a vortex, compelling particles fuel move along the maximum length of the trajectory and cuddle up to the hot surface of the lining that is their complete the burning. Blowing air for ignition on as well the give tangentially and own heated. TG is made as in the horizontal (most often)as well as in vertical design (rarely), depending on the parameters of the building, which is set by the complex for production of pellets (briquettes) or other equipment.

As a fuel in the solid-fuel heat generators for achievement of maximum efficiency work of used pre-prepared fuel: dry wood logs, wood waste (wood chips, sawdust, etc.) and the waste of the production of pellets and briquettes.
The heat-generators solid fuel of production of LLC «SP-Co» created as a result of long studies in the field of combustion of solid fuels, a large experience of practical application of heat-generators solid fuel in complexes of the equipment for the production of fuel pellets and briquettes.
His construction is created in strict accordance with the latest scientific findings and contains a number of innovative technical solutions (not having analogues in the world), which provide fuel combustion in two phases:
1. Gasification at high temperatures and lack of oxygen.
2. Catalysers of pyrolysis gases with excess oxygen.
Two the process a flying in the vortex, and the ashes captured ash collector.
Due to the described properties of the heat generator production «SP-Co» has a consistently high efficiency and contributes to the greatest extraction of energy, contained in wood raw material, agricultural and other wastes.
Thanks to the calculated to the last detail design, the largest possible part of the heat is transferred directly heat carrier and the heat losses are reduced to a minimum.

The main technical characteristics of the heat-generator-mixer:
Nominal heat output at a relative humidity of fuel up to 30% - 1000 kW.
The efficiency of a heat generator - not less than 90% (when using fuel: wood waste, agricultural waste).

Standard configuration:
1. The furnace in the same housing with a mixer.
2. Bunker fuel with a mixer and auger feed.
3. The blowing fan (3 PCs.).
4. The extender racks (4 PCs.).
5. Control Cabinet (with two frequency regulators).

Advantages of heat-generators of production "SP&Co":
1) High efficiency at the expense of properly organized by the combustion process.
2) Minimum removal of ash and amount of ash in the processed product.
3) The minimum spark build-up, and, as a consequence, - a minimum fire hazard.
4) The high very durability of the lining due to the cylindrical shape and forced cooling.

The design of the heat-generator is protected by the patent of the Russian Federation № 82026.

Minimum price
59 500 euro
* price without VAT
The general dimensions  
Length, m 5,82
Width, m 5,21
Height, m 3,22
Weight, kg 10 044
OUR PORTFOLIO  : Solid fuel heat-generator 1,2 MW with giving system, any fuel
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