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Complex of the equipment for manufacture of a wood flour 0,5 t/hour - "Mini"

Complex of the equipment for manufacture of a wood flour 0,5 t/hour - "Mini"

Complex of the equipment for manufacture of a wood flour by capacity 0,5 t/hour from the wet shredded wood waste, sawdust, shavings and wood chips. Power specified in the initial relative humidity of wood waste 50% and end - 5%. Final humidity and the degree of comminution is set by the operator from the control Unit of the speakers in the real-time mode.

This is the minimum package, designed for consumers with a part of necessary equipment. The raw material comes from existing equipment (not shown) in the slide (1) and gets in the boot section of the Unit Drying and grinding (2). This also serves the products of combustion of a heat generator (3) and SIPS of cold air through the emergency-ignition pipe (4) (in the complete set is not included). Originally mixed combustion products and cold air mixing ratio is adjusted automatically, which ensures the maintenance of specified temperature of the heat-carrier. Then pumps the water is mixed with wet raw materials and sucked into the Unit Drying and grinding (2). In it the raw material is crushed and then dried, rising in the flow of coolant to the dynamic classification, which is in the head section of the Unit Drying and grinding. Dynamic classifier, the frequency of which is set from the control panel (8), allows fine and dry raw materials, and large and liquid particles of raw materials returns to the rotor of the Machine, the process is repeated to obtain the necessary humidity and the degree of grinding of raw materials. Crushed and dried raw materials (flour) sucked into sedimentary cyclone (6) at the expense of rarefaction created by smoke exhauster (7). In the cyclone flour is deposited at the expense of centrifugal forces and moves downward, and the exhaust heat is emitted in the stack (not shown in this complete set is not included). From the cyclone flour through a rotary shutter is allotted to the existing conveyor (not shown, is not in the set) for further processing, for example - on the production of wood-plastic composites.

Minimum price
279 650 euro
* price without VAT
The general dimensions  
Length, m 19,0
Width, m 14,0
Height, m 8,7
Electric capacity  
Electric capacity, kW 145
Dimensions indoors  
Length, m 15,0
Width, m 14,0
Height, m 6,0
Weight, kg 17 380
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