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Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας:

Fuel briquettes

Fuel briquettes

Briquettes - compressed particles of plant origin, having the form of cylinders with a diameter of more than 25 mm. or having a polygon cross-section (sometimes - with a hole in the center). Briquettes can be made of wood, peat, straw, husks, reeds, sapropel, coal dust and many other types of plant material, as well as solid waste, waste paper, used tires.


Advantages over other fuels.


1. Low price. Cost of fossil fuels will continue to grow rapidly and, as a consequence, the relative price of fuel briquettes will be reduced.
2. The possibility of complete automation of the fuel in zone of burning (only small pellets - washers).
3. Can be used in existing boilers without conversion.
4. Ability to use in the boilers of any capacity - from heating the house, to the giant thermal power plant.
5. Full harmless to environment (conventionally zero CO2 emissions).
6. Minimum balance fireproofs - ash, which is a fertilizer for plants.
7. The minimum area of ​​storage, the minimum cost of transportation.
8. Minimal hazard during storage and transport (not explosive, not subject to spontaneous combustion).
9. Do not break down during prolonged storage.
10. Do not cause allergic reactions, do not carry the larvae of insects - pests and weed seeds.


The characteristics of the briquettes.


Characteristics required of the briquettes, depending on their destination. Currently, of the many uses of briquettes is most commonly used them as a source of thermal energy, leading role in this play briquettes. Therefore, this section presents requirements imposed to this type of briquettes.


In order to obtain pellets of good quality, you must perform three basic conditions: to use high quality equipment, strictly observe the production technology, and use high quality raw materials. Questions about the equipment and technology are considered in the relevant sections of our site. Below are the requirements for the quality of raw materials:


For extrusion of briquettes from coniferous should be soft and hardwood (hardwood preferably not more than 50% of the total), for briquettes, manufactured by the shock-mechanical press - preferably hard hardwoods.
Must contain the minimum amount of crust (well - not more than 5%, preferably - not more than 1%), as increase in bark leads to an increase in ash content of briquettes.

There should be an old (been lying over 1 year), as briquettes obtained at a lower energy value.

Relative humidity before pressing should be in the range 10 ... 14%, since at higher moisture briquettes are less strong, and the residual moisture after cooling may be higher than the standard requirements, such briquettes have a lower energy value, and therefore - the price.


After production of quality briquettes is necessary to keep. To do this:

Exclude the possibility of moisture in them.
To minimize the mechanical influences.
So it's best to store briquettes packed in thermocontractable tape on the pallets.


Appearance of high-quality briquettes: the surface should be shiny and smooth, without cracks or bubbles, the color should be gray, smell - light, sweet smell of glue.


The application of briquettes.


Briquettes are made by pressing not only from wood waste, but also of peat, sapropel, straw, flax, bonfires, reed, husks, lignin, coal dust, debris, waste paper and other materials. Briquettes are made ​​from different materials have different properties.


The most widely use briquettes as a source of thermal energy. For this purpose you can use briquettes from almost any kind of organic material, but the most popular are briquettes from sawdust and wood chips.

The use of briquettes as a fuel has a leading position thanks to a large number of incontestable advantages. Main of them are the high calorific value and burning time. Produced by udarnomehanicheskih presses (for example, by CF Nielsen) briquettes of small size granules are not inferior to the possibility of complete automation of the combustion process. Currently, the production of automatic boilers pellet and small briquettes in many European countries put on an industrial basis. The model range consists of several dozen variants - all power and all tastes.

Except burning of the purpose of obtaining heat, briquettes are used to produce charcoal.

Είδη παραγόμενων προϊόντων

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Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας
Πνευματική Ιδιοκτησία 2011-Όλα τα δικαιώματα διατηρούνται