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Granulated fertilizers

Granulated fertilizers

Granulated organic fertilizer - crushed and dried at high temperature manure or litter (dung), pressed into pellets.


During the period of growth of agricultural plants absorb from the soil are dozens of different chemical elements. To partially compensate for these losses farms are usually applied to the soil fertilizers.

Typically, these fertilizers into the soil return only the 3 most important elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The remaining losses - not replaced. For this reason, every year the fertility of the soil decreases at high speed in all increasing application rates. To partially minimize this process - use crop rotation, i.e. each year on the same parcel of land are cultivated different cultures. But this does not diminish the problem. Soil fertility is still plummeting. This begs the question: is there a solution? Yes, there is a solution. A significant part of crops is animal feed. When used in food plants, animals learn, too, not all the chemical elements found in plants. Most of the chemical elements by plants fall into the manure or litter. From this it follows that the easiest and most correct method of restoring soil fertility - amendment of manure and litter. But all is not quite so simple. For large-scale application of this is absolutely the right decision, there are several obstacles:

First and foremost, wet (fresh) manure and litter contains a large number of specific microorganisms, most of all - an aggressive, frequently - opportunistic. For safety, it is necessary to destroy the micro flora. For this purpose, often manure or litter left rot naturally. Less often - speed up the process through the use of so-called methane. . This technology has a cyclical nature and number of other serious technical flaws, so until it not found a mass application, despite the urgency of the problem.


Second, the problem of storing, transporting and even into the soil. Moist manure and litter is extremely difficult to keep, too expensive to transport (transport of water) and there is virtually no way of and mechanisms for its uniform distribution over the soil surface. In addition, work on the application of fertilizers in the soil is seasonal, while the supply of manure (litter) is continuous.


All these problems are removes processing of manure or litter in aggregate AC-4 with followed by pressing into pellets:

- Drying and crushing takes place at high temperature and pressure (shock grinding mechanism), so that the micro flora dies;
- Volume of raw materials is reduced by more than 10 times due to the removal of water and increase in density during compaction, resulting in - fertilizers are easier to store and transport;
- The raw material is transformed into pellets, which can easily be made ​​into the soil evenly with serial agricultural machinery.


In addition, pellets of manure and litter - a good fuel.


It is necessary to consider one important factor: in fact, manure and litter are the main products of meat and poultry, because animals and birds produce these products in tens of times more mass than meat, milk and eggs. Thus, the "headache" of enterprises and poultry can be a significant source of income, and increasing of soil fertility in the end, will benefit all!

Production kinds

Fuel briquettes

Briquettes - compressed particles of plant origin, having the form of cylinders with a diameter of more than 25 mm. or having a polygon cross-section (sometimes - with a hole in the center). Briquettes can be made of wood, peat, straw, husks, reeds, sapropel, coal dust and many other types of plant material, as well as solid waste, waste paper, used tires...

Fuel pellets

Pellets (granules) - chopped and dried plant material, pressed into a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 25 mm. Pellets can be made of wood, reeds, peat, sapropel, grass, husk, straw, coal dust and many other types of plant material, as well as from the debris...

Granulated forages

Granulated forages - feed for farm animals, obtained by pressing (granulation) and crushed dried herbs or a special mixture (feed). Grass meal - natural protein and vitamin feed (an additive in animal feed) to farm animals made ​​from grass (green weight), harvested in the early stages of vegetation, quickly dried at high temperature and milled into flour...

Wood flour

Wood flour - dry crushed wood, the bulk (95%) which passes through the a sieve with a size of cells 1.25 x 1.25 mm. or less. Particles of wood flour, usually have an elongated shape, so the exact size is not regulated by them. When sifting they may be held in mesh diagonals, so their linear dimensions, of course, may be more linear size of the lumen of the sieve...


Charcoal - High Carbon hard porous product obtained by pyrolysis (decomposition at high temperature) timber without air access...

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