Mushroom substratum
Manufacture of mushrooms includes following processes:
1. Preparation of a nutrient material for cultivation of mushrooms – a mushroom substratum (mushroom blocks).
2. Preparation of a sowing material (cultivation of a mycelium).
3. Entering of a sowing material into a nutrient material.
4. Pasture of mushroom bodies.
5. Recycling of a waste of mushroom manufacture.
By manufacture of mushrooms wreckers and activators of illnesses appear in a substratum despite all measures of struggle against them. They can not only spoil a crop, but also at all it destroy. Naturally, for the purpose of a non-admission of mass distribution of wreckers and illnesses of mushrooms the fulfilled substratum needs to be utilized.
The mushroom substratum, as a rule, consists of vegetative materials (straw, husk), so the most simple and effective way of recycling of the fulfilled mushroom blocks, at first sight, is their burning. But not all so is simple. The main obstacle – their high humidity.
The equipment let out by our enterprise allows not only to utilize highly effectively the fulfilled mushroom substratum, but also to transform it into non-polluting fuel (pellets or briquettes), having received thus the considerable additional income. As at biomass processing on our equipment (the Unit of drying-crushing of series АS-4) there is its full sterilization and liberation of unused nutrients, probably partial reuse of the fulfilled mushroom substratum.
About a granulation of a mushroom substratum.