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Политика конфиденциальности
Peat is money. Under your feet. A Lot Of. It Very Much! Peat - fuel minerals, formed in the process of dying and incomplete decomposition of marsh plants in humidity conditions and limited access of air. Peat fields and bogs occupy about 350 million hectares (about 3 % of the land area) in the world, of which about 100 million hectares have industrial value. The explored peat reserves in Russia amount about 150 billion tons. In the 70-s years of the XX century in the USSR up to 90 million tons of peat are - more than in all other countries of the world put together. Peat contains 50-60% of carbon. The combustion heat is (maximum) - 24 Mj/kg. In addition to use as a fuel have a lot of different applications: as a fertilizer, heat insulation material, raw material in the chemical industry, in manufacture of sorbents, etc. The most important fact for us is that peat is a local fuel. With the beginning of mass application of automated boilers, working on fuel granules and briquettes, growth of prices for traditional energy sources and the growth of transportation tariffs - peat extraction and processing will begin to experience the second birth in Russia and the world. If you are interested - we have ready-made solutions for the peat transformation in the money.
In Russia we create already 2 factories on the peat processing, one of them - mobile briquettes factory - works on Sakhalin (more in detail). Now the equipment of the third factory - in the Tver region is mounted. Recently we make successful experiment on super-thin crushing of peat with its simultaneous drying that opens before the enterprises processing peat absolutely new possibilities.
The barda (the spirit barda) – the by-product in spirit manufacture, thus depending on technology on 1 liter of spirit turns out 10 … 15 liters of barda. Initially is a liquid (suspension) of light brown color with a characteristic "bread" smell or a grain smell, with the maintenance of solids 5 … 10 %. In such kind use and transportation of barda ...
By manufacture of mushrooms wreckers and activators of illnesses appear in a substratum despite all measures of struggle against them. They can not only spoil a crop, but also at all it destroy. Naturally, for the purpose of a non-admission of mass distribution of wreckers and illnesses of mushrooms the fulfilled substratum needs to be utilized ...
Consumption of people grows huge rates. More and more the goods moves from points of production to places of consumption. More and more pallets it is for this purpose used. More and more pallets fails. In big cities these pallets brought in one place, form mountains … and become a good source of raw materials for manufacture of fuel briquettes and pellets...
Reed - a perennial herb of the cereal family.
The most profitable is the use of reed for the production of fuel briquettes and (or) pellets. This is due to the following: ...
Manure and litter - the major products of livestock breeding and poultry farming. This is not a bug. A Joke? May be. But the animals and birds excrete these products in dozens of times more mass than of meat, milk and eggs. Daily manure and litter is produced in a huge amount. For example, the average poultry farm produces about 200 tons of manure per day.