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The problem of processing of silt deposits is solved. Extremely important achievement of SP-Co plant.

The problem of processing of silt deposits is solved. Extremely important achievement of SP-Co plant.

A series of experiments on development of technology of processing (utilization) of sludge deposits of fields of a filtration (solid part of sewer drains) has come to the end with success. The first experiments have been made in 2012, however they haven't led to positive result on the reason of extremely high stickiness and viscosity of initial raw material. At hit in the Unit of drying crushing AS-4 the most part of silt stuck on Unit walls, and only the insignificant part was brought out of the Unit in the dried-up form. For the solution of this problem and in coordination with the potential customer from Hungary the decision on carrying out experiment on processing of silt in mix with an organic filler has been made. As such filler damp wood sawdust has been chosen. However, at the same time there was one more complex technical challenge – production of the equipment capable to continuously make homogeneous mix of two materials having absolutely different physical characteristics. And such mixer has been developed and manufactured by us. The silt taken for experiment had initial humidity about 80%, was black color, possessed such stickiness and viscosity, as dough (solid oil). At the exit of the technological line powder of dark gray color with a size of particles 0,5 … 3 mm, humidity suitable for a granulation, briquetting or direct burning (12-14%) has been received. Thus, LLC SP-Co has successfully finished development and test of technology of utilization of silt deposits, has solved a problem which for many cities of the world is one of the most painful today. On a photo – the crushed and dried up silt (sludge).


The plant for the production of wood pellets with a capacity of up to 2 tons/h began work in the village Ilyinskoye, Slobodskoy district, Kirov region. The drying site is based on the AS-4-2000 unit of the SPiCo plant (plant No. 86). The equipment was painted non-standard - in colour at the Customer's choice.

The SPiKo plant shipped equipment for the 1st chicken dung processing line at the site of one of the largest poultry farms in Russia, located in the Kirovsky district of the Leningrad Region – p/f Severnaya.

With joy and pride we inform that on March 9, 2020 our enterprise celebrates its 20th anniversary.

Our company has undergone voluntary certification of management systems: quality management system of equipment design and production, environmental management system, occupational safety and health management system. The corresponding certificates are received.

On the order of the enterprise from Krasnoyarsk region we have started the manufacture of equipment for the plant for the production of organic fertilizers from chicken litter (Plant No. 80).

SPiKo LLC won the tender for the design of the plant and the manufacture of equipment for the production of organic fertilizers from chicken litter. The tender was conducted by a poultry farm located in Chuvashia and part of a large and successful agricultural holding.

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