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Factory on manufacture of peat pellets in Gusevskiy

March 2006
Plant in Gusevskiy

Factory on manufacture of peat fuel pellets by capacity 3 t/hour in settlement Gusevsky of Gus-Hrustalny area of Vladimir region. The factory is based on line of drying-crushing with a drum dryer. We carry out pre-design preparation, delivery of all main equipment, consultation. The equipment has been made for 5 months. The factory works since March, 2006. The photo of a line of drying of this factory is resulted as the sample in magazine "Bio-energetics" (№ 1, 2007). Under production of this factory the boiler-house in settlement Nebiloje of the Jurjev-Polsky area of Vladimir region is converted (magazine “The Bioenergy International Russia” № 1, 2007 г, p. 4).

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АИР Coffeestudio